Bruce Bartolomeo is the Chairman of the Board of International Princess™ Project, a position he so clearly heard God call him to just one year ago. Bruce recently sold the construction company he started 30 years ago and now immerses himself in advocating for women once enslaved in forced prostitution. Additionally, he volunteers and serves on the board of The Sheepfold. Bruce also has a calling to mentor young Christian entrepreneurs and leaders, has been active in his church and over the years has led men’s groups, service projects and plays drums with the worship team. He lives with his wife Becky of 30 years in Huntington Beach and has 2 grown daughters, Gina & Lara.
Julie Wood is the Executive Director of International Princess™ Project. She joined the IPP family six months ago after feeling God’s leading for her to join this organization. She had previously been self employed where she had her own business, worked as recruiter and also as a consultant. Julie’s heart was first broken by human trafficking after seeing a documentary about it several years ago. It is her desire to be vessel for how God might use her to impact change on global level regarding this issue. She is honored and humbled to serve.
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