Sue talks about how you can be happy and fulfilled in your work and your life. She goes into the differences between “work” and “your job”, and shares advice on how you can be sure that God is satisfied with the work you are doing.
Your Seven Question Job Analysis
1. Are you really happy with what you are presently doing?
2. Is your present job actually a short-range or long-range goal?
3. Are your God-given gifts and strongest talents being developed?
4. Are you working just to pay your bills and have fun or to truly express a contribution to life and to this world?
5. Do you feel that God is satisfied with what you are doing now?
6. Do you feel that you are doing the highest quality of work that you are capable of doing?
7. Do you feel like you are working “as unto the Lord”?
How to Determine What You Really Want In a Job
1. How much income do you personally feel that you need to consider yourself financially successful?
2. What kind of problems do you really love to solve?
3. What kind of environment do you find most enjoyable?
4. What are your social needs?
5. What kind of family life or time do you feel necessary for you?
6. What level of social approval and respect do you need?
7. What kind of financial future is necessary for your peace of mind?
Four Rewards Your Work Should Provide For You
1. A sense of worth, pride, and significance.
2. A sense of achievement and progress.
3. A sense of personal growth.
4. Sufficient finances to provide adequately for your needs and those you love