Sue discusses the differences and the importances of dependability, reliability, and trust.
Marriage Is…
A relationship where two people must listen, compromise, and respect. It’s an arrangement that requires a multitude of decisions to be made together. Listening, respecting, and compromising go a long way toward keeping peace and harmony.
A union in which two people learn from their mistakes, accept each other’s faults, and willingly adjust behaviors that need to be changed. It’s caring enough about each other to work through disappointing and hurtful times and believing in the love that brought you together in the first place.
Patience and forgiveness. It’s being open and honest, thoughtful and kind. Marriage means talking things out, making necessary changes, and forgiving each other. It’s unconditional love at its most understanding and vulnerable – love that supports, comforts, and is determined to triumph over every challenge and adversity.
Marriage is a partnership of two unique people who bring out the very best in each other and who know that even though they are wonderful as individuals… they are even better together.
– Barbara Cage