Joanna grew up in a small town near Akron, Ohio with two sisters and a brother. In 1977 she moved to Pasadena, California to attend college, where she met her husband, Kenny. Her career began by working for a non-profit food bank in Lancaster where she developed life-skills classes, called the P.O.W.E.R. Program. After 7 years of a successful program, Joanna went back to school to complete her bachelor degree and received her BA in Organizational Leadership in 2007. At that time Joanna began working as case manager for the Department of Social Services, Los Angeles County. This job led her to an opportunity with the Los Angeles County Office of Education, which helped to further her passion for helping people in need who are receiving public assistance.
The Ultimate Power Program grew out of a need to reach greater numbers of people who are hurting – not just financially – but physically, emotionally and spiritually as well. Her coaching techniques are compassionate, yet compelling people to action. The Ultimate Power program is coming to Southern California, with guest speaker Diane Maxey.
In her 25-year corporate career, Diane Maxey has managed hundreds of employees and multi-million dollar departments in major corporations, including American Honda Motor Co., Inc., in Torrance, California. She is known for her collaborative style with her executive peers plus her ability to inspire and promote her employees. In 2003, Diane formed Noble Woman Enterprises, Inc., and purchased her first Curves franchise. Today she owns Curves in Palmdale, California, where she continues to motivate and inspire her employees and members alike. Diane frequently speaks about her personal struggle with a healthy lifestyle. Her experience as a corporate speaker includes speaking at the Curves International annual convention in Las Vegas with 3,000 Curves Franchise Owners in attendance.
Diane is an award-winning speaker who serves in various capacities in community organizations and ministries. Her experience of 25 years in these areas include writing and editing for various publications and devotions, writing and teaching Bible studies for women and teens, and Biblical lay counseling. One of her stories is featured in Families Can Bounce Back, a book compiled by Diana L. James. Diane developed and teaches a powerful four-week Bible Study, “Hope: Looking Up When You’re Feeling Down”.
To learn more about Ultimate Power and their upcoming conferences, go to ultimatepowerconferences.com.
To find out more about Diane Maxey, go to dianemaxey.org.
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