Gary Hoffman Is a marital crisis survivor, who has been working with men for over 16 years in challenging marriages and other areas of their life. He is the founder, and leader of the Men On The Edge, and he has just recently published a book Don’t Give Up!
This book helps educate men how to start dealing with their overwhelming issues in their life and marriage, head on.
Many times when men are asked: How are things going? Men will answer: “fine”, or “great!” Often men are faking some areas of their life. Their life might feel out of control, and like they’re dying on the inside. Gary Hoffman has learned men can put on a good front, hiding in busyness, or maybe hiding in their list of things to tackle. Often things begin to suffer, maybe their relationship with their wife, or their kids. A man’s marriage can be close to being on the rocks, and maybe not even be on a man’s radar screen of life. Gary Hoffman is here to share about the proverbial pink elephant in the living room, which no one wants to talk about.
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