Dave Zareno grew up in Montebello California and went to college at Cal Poly, Pomona where he studied Biotechnology and more importantly came to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. The original plan for life was to go into the medical field but things changed as he grew in faith. He eventually went into ministry and worked for Campus Crusade for Christ a year after graduating from College. After a few years of serving at U. of Hawaii he eventually went to back to school for theology at Master’s Seminary and graduated with an M.Div. He currently serves at Cornerstone Chaurch as a Non-Marrieds Pastor
This show discusses questions such as…….
What is the most important thing a non-married person should do with his/her life
Why do so many single people get into bad relationships?
How does the Bible address how a non-married person should live?
Why is it so important to live effective for God as a non-married person?
The challenges single people face as the date and form relationships in today”s culture?
What are some things non-married people should know before they get married?
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