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Bob Brooks served as the elected sheriff of Ventura County, California, for twelve years, the culmination of a thirty-seven-year career in law enforcement. Sheriff Brooks received a Doctor of Laws degree from California Lutheran University and graduate degrees from the Naval Postgraduate School and Regent University. He is currently an adjunct professor of public policy at Pepperdine University, a licensed pastor, and author of his recently published book titled, Declarations: Living and Leading above Your Circumstances.
- I will value who I’m becoming more than what I’m achieving.
- I will honor God by my attitude, actions, and reputation.
- I will live courageously so that I will never regret what could have been.
- I will serve others out of gratitude to Christ who gave Himself for me.
- I will be positive in a negative world and direct attention to the Lord and not myself.
- I will not allow good things to distract me from the Only Prize worth attaining.
- I will not let failure keep me from sprinting across the finish line.
- I will be joyful in ALL circumstances because God is in control and will ultimately prevail.
- I will pray instead of worry so that I can live in peace having left ALL in God’s capable hands.
- I will focus my attention on people, work, and images that will improve my character.
- I will succeed in every circumstance by relying on God’s strength.