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Who Are You?

Who Are You?

A good way to begin to identify your sense of identity is to consider how you introduce yourself to strangers. What are the first things you tell them about yourself? What do you want to know about them? These questions reveal your instincts about how you define and relate to people. We can learn a great deal about ourselves by the questions we ask, or do not ask. Another question that can reveal one’s source of identity is, “How do you define success?”

  • Health of key relationships
  • Occupational accomplishment
  • Educational advancement
  • Sports allegiances
  • Hobby involvement/skill
  • Political stances
  • Socio-economic status
  • Appearance, attractiveness, attire, etc…

Who Are You? Checklist for A Portrait of Christ-Honoring Identity

For each item place a check in the blank if you can provide evidence that you regularly exhibit this attitude, behavior, or character trait. If you struggle to be able to give a fair self-assessment of an item, ask people who know you well.

  • Being embarrassed does not seem like a threat to me.
  • I am willing to obey/participate even when I feel inadequate.
  • My actions do not change based on the people I am around.
  • Failure does not dominate my thought life.
  • Changing jobs or schools would not change my self-perception.
  • I can be cordial to people of other political parties or sports teams.
  • I have friends at various socio-economic levels.
  • I get nervous around people who are beautiful.
  • Rejection is not devastating to me.
  • I am the same person at work/school that I am at church.
  • I do not do things simply for the approval of others.
  • I do not have to be complemented in order to work hard.
  • My home life and public life are consistent with one another.
  • I have significant anxiety when meeting new people.
  • When I am not around people, I feel lost and discontent.
  • Biblical categories of identity seem relevant when I am distressed.
  • I naturally ask people about their religious beliefs as I get to know them.
  • I am at ease even when the people around me have more education or money.
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